Bad breath

Bad breath is annoying, but it is treatable. It can also be an indication of a serious condition that needs our medical attention.

“My breath wreaks, and I’m tired of it!” There’s never a good time for bad breath, but it seems to “attack” at the most inopportune times, doesn’t it? Some poor folks must deal with it on a daily basis and try masking its offensiveness with breath candies, breath drops, or brushing their teeth every time they turn around. But guess what? It is treatable! However, unless you understand what causes it, you won’t be able to treat it effectively.


What Causes Bad Breath Anyway?


If you’re dealing with persistent bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth, you may be dealing with gum disease (periodontal disease) or an illness that causes it. Other causes include:

  • Yeast infections in your mouth
  • Cavities
  • Respiratory tract infections (pneumonia, bronchitis, chronic sinus infections, postnasal drip, diabetes, chronic acid reflux, liver or kidney problems)

Basically, there are three causes of halitosis: Poor dental health habits, the types of foods we eat, and dehydration.


Poor Dental Health Habits

If you’re not brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing your teeth once a day, food particles hang out in your mouth and rot, emitting an unpleasant odor. Failing to practice great oral hygiene daily promotes bacterial growth between your teeth, around your gums, and on your tongue, forming toxins. This causes bad breath and encourages other issues such as gingivitis, cavities, and yeast infections, too. And gum disease left untreated can damage your gums and jawbone.

Even if you wear dentures, proper dental hygiene is important on a daily basis. Food particles and odor-causing bacteria must be removed daily to prevent bad breath for you as well.


Types of Foods We Eat

Some foods, such as garlic or onions, have strong odors. When we eat these types of foods with strong odors that cause bad breath, the odors will not go away completely with brushing, flossing, or even mouthwash. Brushing, flossing, and mouthwash merely cover up or temporarily mask the odor. The odor of the types of foods you eat will not go away completely until the foods have passed through your body. If you’ve got an important event later in the day, avoid foods with strong odors and brush your teeth immediately following your meals.



Do you drink enough water each day? If not, you could be dehydrated, and one of the most common causes of bad breath is simple dehydration. Your mouth cannot produce the right amount of saliva if you don’t drink enough water. Saliva rinses your mouth, neutralizes acids, and washes away dead cells that accumulate on your gums, cheeks, and tongue.

Some diseases, salivary gland problems, mouth breathing, and the side effects of medications cause the medical condition known as chronic dry mouth or xerostomia. Chew gum (such as Spry gum) and drink plenty of water to help your mouthwash away dead cells that will decompose and can cause bad breath.


How to Treat Halitosis


If you’re dealing with bad breath because of poor dental health habits, your love for odious foods, or dehydration, effective treatment is simple:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day
  • Floss after eating and before bed
  • Chew gum that is good for your teeth, such as Spry gum
  • Use mouthwash daily
  • Hydrate

However, if these DIY or at-home methods aren’t treating and eliminating your bad breath, you may have an infection or a serious condition that needs medical attention. In this case, call Davis Dental at (307) 634-3488 today. We’ll find the cause of your bad breath and treat it effectively as needed.


Quality Dental Care for Your Whole Family

3249 Sparks Road

Cheyenne, WY 82001

(307) 634-3488

Open Monday through Thursday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm